Monday, December 3, 2012

Author Interview & Book Giveway

This is a fun hit-and-run author interview on Blkosiner Book Blog, with a book giveaway that you can enter with the click of a button.

Here's a glimpse at the opening Q&A:

--The Twitter version: tell us about your book in 140 characters:
through people… reflections of ourselves… echoes to our sounds. And a mighty riddle to solve.

--How did you get the idea for the story?
I was thinking of the philosopher Plato, of all people. But I reversed his logic. I made us his perfect Realm of the Forms. And then I created a reflection world that’s considered inferior to ours. If it sounds confusing just think of a place that’s like an echo to our sounds. Except that the Echo realm is really glistening and beautiful and fairytale-like.

--Which character would you most like to have dinner with?
Dew Pellucid. Both the author of The Sound and the Echoes and a secret character in it, this old Echo is full of surprises.

Read more on Brandi's blog

E-book $2.99 on Amazon
Paperback $18.78 on Amazon
Paperback $18.78 on Barnes & Noble
Nook ePub edition: $2.99

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